Sunday, July 14, 2013

Condradictory Hypocrites rant

I'm quite certain I'm guilty of being a hypocrite at least sometimes. I'm also quite certain I contradict myself now and again. I'll admit it. Let me just put this out there... if you don't know who you are as a person, and you jump around from idea to idea, then maybe you should stop posting it on Facebook announcing to the world that you have, once again, failed another attempt at whatever it was you claimed to do, causing your validity to fade. If, for example, you say you're going 100% Vegan, then be 100% Vegan. You can't just all of a sudden say "Making Chicken Salad tonight, YUM!" and choose to not be Vegan for the evening. You're either 100% Vegan, or you're not. What this person doesn't understand it that, it's a lifestyle, not just a choice from time to time. On another issue, its all fine and good to practice what you believe in. But to put your belief on blast on Facebook and tell other people they're wrong for their beliefs is just wrong. There is not one 'right' thing that works for everyone, that's what makes us all so special. The views and opinions of political issues, animal abuse/cruelty (although I agree it's a terrible and disgusting topic), whether you practice a religious faith or not, and just plain vapid comments/posts should find other places to be talked about. That's why I chose my own personal blog to vent my feelings. As for this person being a hypocrite and contradictory... if you claim to be pagan, and have no one god, rather you have a goddess (Mother Earth), then when you post a picture of a puppy with a severe tick problem, please do not use God's name by saying "Oh my friggin GOD". If you're so against animal cruelty, why do you insist on posting videos and pictures of skinned dogs and other animals? Your argument of getting the word out is invalid. Because all its really doing, is just circulating around the internet for more people like you to criticize it. It's not doing anyone any good by posting it on Facebook. I certainly do not like seeing my entire news feed littered with pictures of that kind. (Its not like I'm sitting here thinking I want to skin my cat, and oh whats this on my computer? A video telling me not to hurt my animal? Oh wow, thank you internet! I didn't know that was wrong... now I know. Phew! That was a close one!) Stuff like this just pisses me off. Do you even know who you are a person and what you stand for? Or is everything you say some bullshit show for your "friends"?

Oh yeah, posting a picture of a half-dead man lying in the street with his pants around his ankles and an angry bull stomping him to death isn't exactly what I would call tasteful. Especially with the description she chose "That's what he gets...". The picture posted was from a bull run in Spain, known as Pamplona - Running of the Bulls. It's an event that is held each year... bullfighting and partying. It's not like this just happened out of the ordinary, it's a tradition... These bulls are going to be killed and sold in markets anyway, and it is really only dangerous to those showing off their bravado by trying to get the bull to their respective pens, and to the bystanders watching the event. Either way, did that man really deserve "That's what he gets..." for partaking in a traditional bull run that has been around for decades? I don't think so. Honestly, the woman who posted this probably isn't even aware of the back story making her post invalid. Not just her post, but herself. I know, harsh. But I couldn't care less. The only reason I keep this person as a friend on this popular social networking site is because it's entertainment for me and my husband. Her stupidity and self-righteous attitude that she's better than anyone is astonishing considering that she has nothing to be self-righteous about.

If I chose to circumcise my children, what business of that is yours? What gives you the right to preach that it's wrong? What if I said to you that NOT circumcising your son is disgusting and a place to breed germs if not properly cared for? What if I told you that it makes it easier for little boys to clean on their own? What if I told you is just looks better that way? If a newborn boy get a circumcision, chances are favorable that he will not remember the pain inflicted the very next day.

She thinks everything about her is perfect... listen closely, because I'm sure you'll read this one day. You are not perfect. No one is. Every individual on this planet is just that, an individual. Each of us are interested in different things, practice different faiths, embark on different journeys, and hold different meanings in our lives.Get over yourself!

Yeah, that's enough ranting... I'm done. Writing about her just pisses me off.

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