Monday, November 25, 2013

My 1 week Weigh-in/Measure-In on Plexus Slim

I'll start off by saying I've had a bit of a setback. Not in losing weight or inches using Plexus Slim, though I'm not actually sure what my true starting weight was, but I discovered that every time I tried stepping on the scale I was getting a slightly different number. Why? Oh, because my floor isn't level. So I had to start over with a new starting weight that will be accurate from now on. I actually weighed and measured myself yesterday, and since I don't really know what my starting weight was I'm saying I lost 0 (zero) pounds this week, though I lost 5.5" total inches. Pretty good start if you ask me. I didn't change my diet, I didn't count calories, and I didn't exercise. Hey, what more can a girl ask for in a week?? I'll see what my next weeks weigh-in brings, and hopefully I'll be able to see that number go down.

I also ordered the ProBio5 and the BioCleanse, so those will be coming in the mail shortly. I don't know if I'll be able to start them this week anymore, but by next week for sure! Then I'll probably start melting this fat away and looking amazing before I know it! I'm so excited to continue my Plexus regimen. I feel so good about it. :)

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

My Goals using Plexus

So it's officially been 5 days since I started my weight loss journey with Plexus. Not only do I feel better, I've no longer the cravings for sweets, and though I haven't weighed myself yet, I feel like I'm fitting into my clothes a little easier. I've stopped drinking soda and haven't really felt the need to go to my morning coffee either. I've been able to rest easier and wake up with so much more energy. These are huge accomplishments for me and a  great way to start my healthier lifestyle. After doing a little thinking, I realized that my only goal when starting plexus was to see results, any results, but what I didn't think about was what I actually want to see happening. I found a 'healthy weight for my body type calculator' and discovered that to get to a 'healthy' weight, I need to lose 105 pounds. If I can achieve this goal, that would bring my weight to 152.4 lbs. Let me just say this, I haven't seen that number on the scale since I was in junior high, probably 6th or7th grade. In addition to losing the weight, I'm positive I'll lose countless inches all over my body, and hopefully I can accept the changes as they come. I know I'll be nothing but pleased when these goals become a reality, however, I have an enormous self-confidence and -image complex, and I'm trying to prepare myself for that. I need to learn to love myself and admit that I'll probably never be a size zero, but going from a size 24 to whatever my future self will wear is good. I can't wait to see the results and wish I could fast forward time a bit. 

Saturday, November 16, 2013

A Weight Loss Journey with Plexus

Today is a very exciting day for me. I've committed to getting healthier and losing weight. I received my Plexus Slim and Accelerator in the mail this morning. First thing I did was take measurements of my upper chest, chest, right and left arms, waist, hips, right and left thighs, and my right and left calf. Then I weighed myself... I'll put it out there because I'm not ashamed and I'm certain that number will start to go down soon.
Generally, I don't partake in weight loss pills or drinks or programs, but after hearing that people that I actually know and value their opinion have done this, it occurred to me that this might be the boost that I've needed. I am going to get back on track by going out and using the gym membership that I've paying for, and making healthier decisions at the grocery store instead of letting my stomach tell me what I should get.
With that all said, here is my Day 1 measurements and weight.

My starting weight is 257.4 lbs.
Currently, I have a BMI of 41.5.
Upper Chest: 44
Chest: 47
Right Arm: 13
Left Arm: 13
Wasit: 47.5
Hips: 56
Right Thigh: 27
Left Thigh: 27
Right Calf: 19
Left Calf: 19

I'll update weekly on my progress. :) Wish me luck.